The Appropriations Committee originated in 1692 as the Committee on Accounts. By the Revolutionary War era, it had become the Committee on Claims (upon the Treasury). The Claims Committee functioned from 1776 to 1968 when its responsibilities were shifted briefly to the Economic Matters Committee. In 1971, budgetary and other duties were assigned to the Appropriations Committee created in that year.

The Appropriations Committee reviews legislation relating to State operating and capital budgets, including supplementary appropriations; State and county bond authorizations; collective bargaining; higher education; State personnel and pension matters; Program Open Space; social services; and State and local government procedures and programs. Twenty-seven delegates serve on this committee.

The Committee has five subcommittees: Capital Budget; Education and Economic Development; Health and Human Services; Public Safety and Administration; and Transportation and the Environment. The Committee also is aided by three oversight committees: Pensions; Personnel; and Program Open Space and Agricultural Land Preservation.

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