Chair: Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Lt. Governor
Appointed by Governor: Kathryn W. Barnes; Benjamin C. Bradlee; Cary Carson, Ph.D.; Edward O. Clarke, Jr.; Dennis A. Fiori; J. Patrick Jarboe, M.D.; W. Aleck Loker; Susan Messite; Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr.; Jane Margaret O'Brien, Ph.D.; J. Frank Raley, Jr.; John F. Slade III; Larry E. Vote, Ph.D.; Nancy W. Warren; Charles C. Wilkes.
Contact: Karin B. Stanford
c/o Historic St. Mary's City
P. O. Box 39
St. Mary's City, MD 20686
(301) 862-0962
The Task Force on Affiliation between Historic St. Mary's City Commission and St. Mary's College of Maryland was formed by the Governor in May 1996. The Task Force will determine if an affiliation is viable or appropriate and how it might be implemented. If an affiliation is not feasible, the Task Force is to consider other options for the governance and support of Historic St. Mary's City.
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