J. Joseph Curran, Jr., Attorney General
Carmen M. Shepard, Deputy Attorney General
Donna Hill Staton, Deputy Attorney General
200 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 576-6300
fax: (410) 576-6404
World Wide Web:
(C81C0001, formerly
FY1998 appropriation: $3,468,396
FY1998 authorized positions: 42
J. Joseph Curran, Jr., Attorney General (elected by voters)
(410) 576-6311
Frank Mann, Special Assistant (410) 576-6357
Carolyn A. Quattrocki, Special Assistant (410) 576-7299
Carmen M. Shepard, Deputy Attorney General (410) 576-7291
Marlene Trestman, Director (410) 576-6321
Beverly M. Pivec, Director (410) 576-6442
Frances Thurlow, Records Manager (410) 576-6490
Beverly M. Pivec, Fiscal & Personnel Officer (410) 576-6442
Beverly G. Rubenstein, Librarian (410) 576-6400
Karen Taylor Gibson, Manager (410) 576-6432
Nancy C. Pinn, Administrator (410) 576-6580
(C81C0014, formerly
FY1998 appropriation: $1,334,644
FY1998 authorized positions: 19
Lawrence P. Fletcher-Hill, Chief of Litigation (410) 576-6345
Maureen M. Dove, Deputy Chief of Litigation (410) 576-6330
Andrew H. Baida, Senior Counsel, Appellate Litigation (410) 576-6318
Laura C. McWeeney, Supervising Attorney, Tort Claims (410) 576-6965
Assistant Attorneys General: Kathleen Hoke Dachille; John B. Howard, Jr.; Elisabeth Sachs; Steven M. Sullivan.
Nancy T. Perry, Chair, 1998 (410) 576-6573
Appointed by Governor with Senate advice & consent: Cheryl L. Hystad, 1998; Juan F. Mercado, 1998; Edna D. Butcher, 2002; J. Kirby Fowler, Jr., Esq., 2002; Frank A. Porter, 2002; Anne B. Powell, 2006; A. Kimbrough Sherman, Ph.D., 2006; Mark Silbergeld, Esq., 2006.
Ex officio: William Leibovici, Chief, Division of Consumer Protection
(C81C0015, formerly
FY1998 appropriation: $1,362,287
FY1998 authorized positions: 20
Gary E. Bair, Chief (410) 576-6422
Mary Ellen Barbera, Deputy Chief (410) 576-6421
Gwynn X. Kinsey, Jr., Senior Counsel, Capital Litigation (410) 576-6426
Ann N. Bosse, Senior Counsel, Federal Habeas Corpus Litigation (410) 576-6419
Assistant Attorneys General: Thomas K. Clancy; Celia A. Davis; Kathryn Grill Graeff; Mary Ann Ince; Rachel Kamins; Diane E. Keller; M. Jennifer Landis; Regina H. Lewis; Annabelle L. Lisic; Devy Patterson Russell.
Sidney Rocke, Supervising Attorney (410) 576-6394
Department of Budget & Management
Cecilia Januszkiewicz, Counsel (410) 576-6316
David R. Durfee, Jr., Deputy Counsel (410) 767-4725
Assistant Attorneys General: Geoffrey J. C. Boyd; Michael S. Friedman; Beverley Hughes.
Department of the Environment
Denise Ferguson-Southard, Counsel (410) 631-3503
Christina G. Beusch, Deputy Counsel (410) 631-3048
M. Rosewin Sweeney, Deputy Counsel (410) 631-3043
Assistant Attorneys General: Jean K. Belt; Neile Sue Friedman; Anthony Gorski; Kathy M. Kinsey; Linda C. Lamm; Kenneth W. Long, Jr.; Pamela D. Marks; Susan F. Martielli; Valerie J. Smith; Susan B. Squires; Elaine R. Wilford; Nancy W. Young.
Environmental Crimes Unit
Howard P. Nicholson, Counsel (410) 631-3025
Assistant Attorney General: Bernard A. Penner
Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
Daniel J. O'Brien, Jr., Counsel (410) 767-1860
Timothy P. Paulus, Deputy Counsel, Boards & Commissions (410) 767-5829
Margaret Ann Nolan, Deputy Counsel (410) 767-1867
Assistant Attorneys General: Paul J. Ballard; Jean Baron; Helen E. Bowlus; Janet K. Brown; Nancy K. Dowling; Barbara A. Francis; Robert J. Gilbert; Roberta L. Gill; Sherrai V. Hamm; John R. Hargrove, Jr.; Alice D. Ike; Elizabeth M. Kameen; Thomas W. Keech; Sharon Krevor-Weisbaum; John F. Lessner; David R. Morgan; Kathleen A. Morse; Mary C. O'Donnell; Cynthia Peltzman; Victoria Pepper; Jane E. Pilliod; Ann L. Rasenberger; Erin R. Reilly; C. Frederick Ryland; Susan R. Steinberg; Nancy P. Tennis; Joel L. Tornari; Suellen Wideman.
State Health Services Cost Review Commission
Stanley Lustman, Counsel (410) 764-2576
Assistant Attorney General: Leslie C. Schulman
Department of Human Resources
Catherine M. Shultz, Counsel (410) 767-7726
Millicent Edwards Gordon, Deputy Counsel (410) 767-7726
Darcy R. Massof, Chief Counsel for Baltimore City Dept. of Social Services (410) 361-2338
Assistant Attorneys General: Sandra I. Barnes; Kathy F. Crosby; Cathy A. Dryden; Angela Eaves; Wendy J. Greenberg; Steven D. Keller; Carole J. Messerschmidt; Shelley E. Mintz; Joseph B. Spillman, Jr.
Department of Labor, Licensing, & Regulation
Elizabeth Hartley Trimble, Counsel (410) 333-2934
Vacancy, Deputy Counsel (410) 333-6450
Jonathan R. Krasnoff, Chief of Litigation (410) 333-4317
Assistant Attorneys General: Andrew D. Auerbach; Jean Baker; David P. Bird; Sherrie T. Black; Jessica Carter; Susan M. Cherry; Thomas Gournaris; Joel A. Jacobson; Kris M. King; Sloane Fried Kinstler; Philip H. Lohrey, Jr.; Peter Martin; Carolyn Resnick-Camras; Gaston J. Sigur III; Bruce C. Spizler; Milena Trust; Lynn Weiskittel; Alanna A. Wilkinson.
Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services
Stuart M. Nathan, Counsel (410) 764-4070
Richard B. Rosenblatt, Deputy Counsel (410) 764-4071
Assistant Attorneys General: Steven G. Hildenbrand; Susan L. Howe; Michele J. McDonald.
Division of Correction
Alan D. Eason, Counsel (410) 764-4191
Assistant Attorneys General: Michael O. Doyle; Scott S. Oakley.
Division of Pretrial Detention & Services
Assistant Attorney General: Glenn T. Marrow (410) 209-4286
Department of State Police
Betty S. Sconion, Counsel (410) 653-4223
Assistant Attorneys General: Mark H. Bowen; Donald E. Hoffman; Richard Kastendieck; Kimberly E. Rice.
Office of Administrative Hearings
Assistant Attorney General: Julia M. Freit (410) 576-7292
State Administrative Board of Election Laws
Mary O. Lunden, Counsel (410) 576-7293
Maryland Energy Administration
Michael Brent Hare, Counsel (410) 974-3751
Maryland Insurance Administration
Dennis W. Carroll, Jr., Counsel (410) 333-8335
Assistant Attorneys General: Gary Alexander; Susan Cohen; Joy Y. Hachette.
Insurance Fraud Unit
Michael DiPietro, Counsel (410) 333-8792
Assistant Attorney General: Nathan Braverman
Subsequent Injury Fund
Sophia L. Swope, Counsel (410) 321-2940
Assistant Attorneys General: George E. Barrett, Jr.; Ellen M. Dunn; David R. Jones; Irving B. Klitzner; Elizabeth H. Tockman; Barbara S. Zerolnick.
Uninsured Employers Fund
James W. Himes, Counsel (410) 321-4137
Assistant Attorneys General: Esther H. Goldring; James P. A. O'Conor, Jr.
Donna Hill Staton, Deputy Attorney General (410) 576-7051
(C81C0020, formerly
FY1998 appropriation (reimbursable): $1,242,497
FY1998 authorized positions: 16
William A. Kahn, Counsel (410) 576-6991
Dana A. Reed, Deputy Counsel (410) 576-6991
Assistant Attorneys General: David E. Beller; Douglas Carrey-Beaver; Julia P. Davis; Jennifer L. Forrence; Leigh S. Halstad.
(C81C0017, formerly
FY1998 appropriation: $462,082
FY1998 authorized positions: 9
John K. Anderson, Counsel (410) 576-6450
Dawna Cobb, Deputy Counsel (410) 576-7650
Richard A. Weitzner, Senior Counsel, Advice (410) 576-6457
Mark J. Davis, Senior Counsel, Litigation (410) 576-7053
Rachel E. Zelkind, Senior Counsel, Transactions (410) 576-6462
Assistant Attorneys General: Anne C. Love Donahue; Thomas Faulk; Vicki Gaul; Susan A. Griisser; Carolyn Kone; Elena Langrill; Jacqueline W. Mintz; Susan M. Somerville-Hawes; Sara Slaff; Sally Swann.
Maryland Higher Education Commission (410) 974-2519
Assistant Attorney General: one vacancy
Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems
Assistant Attorneys General: Joy Sakamoto-Wengel (410) 706-8531
Sarah E. Sette (410) 706-8514
Maryland Public Broadcasting Commission
George E. Hughes III, Counsel (410) 581-4028
Assistant Attorney General: Susan Fitzgerald
Department of Agriculture
Craig A. Nielsen, Counsel (410) 841-5883
Assistant Attorney General: Thomas F. Filbert
Department of Business & Economic Development
Laila K. Atallah, Counsel (410) 767-6446
Barbara G. Swain, Deputy Counsel (410) 767-6447
Assistant Attorneys General: James G. Davis; Susan Dubin; Ilene S. Garten; Mark K. Harrison; Barbara Curnin Kountz; William D. Rawle; Ira Schwartz.
State Department of Education
Valerie V. Cloutier, Counsel (410) 576-6465
JoAnn G. Goedert, Deputy Counsel (410) 576-6453
Assistant Attorneys General: Laurie Burton-Graham; Dana Murray.
Department of General Services
Vacancy, Counsel (410) 767-4992
Assistant Attorney General: John H. Thornton
Department of Housing & Community Development
William N. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Counsel (410) 514-7800
Philip J. Deters, Deputy Counsel (410) 514-7800
Assistant Attorneys General: Athena K. Alexandrides; Teresa Drakopulos; Hans Froehlicher IV; Judy K. Maistrellis; Douglas McWilliams; Anthony J. Mohan; David Porter; Arnold A. Sheetz.
Department of Juvenile Justice
Bruce P. Martin, Counsel (410) 780-7820
Romaine N. Williams, Deputy Counsel (410) 780-7820
Assistant Attorney General: Robert T. Fontaine
Department of Natural Resources
Joseph P. Gill, Counsel (410) 974-2251
Marianne D. Mason, Deputy Counsel (410) 974-2251
Assistant Attorneys General: Pamela D. Andersen; Olga M. Bruning; Stuart G. Buppert II; Beverly J. Cihan; Shaun Fenlon; Christine K. McSherry; Jodi R. O'Day; Pamela P. Quinn.
Department of Transportation
Edward R. K. Hargadon, Counsel (410) 865-1105
Thomas G. Peter, Deputy Counsel (410) 865-1107
Assistant Attorneys General: Deborah A. Donohue; Anita E. Hilson; Brian G. Kim.
Maryland Aviation Administration
Louisa H. Goldstein, Counsel (410) 859-7067
Assistant Attorney General: Janice G. Salzman.
Maryland Port Administration
M. Catherine Orleman, Counsel (410) 385-4432
Assistant Attorneys General: Donald A. Krach; Deborah M. Levine.
Maryland Transportation Authority
Steven W. Vanderbosch, Counsel (410) 288-8426
Assistant Attorney General: Karen Kruger
Mass Transit Administration
Kathleen J. Masterton, Counsel (410) 767-3871
Assistant Attorney General: Jack R. Sturgill
Motor Vehicle Administration
Jonathan W. Acton II, Counsel (410) 768-7440
Assistant Attorneys General: Leight D. Collins; Sheila E. Lundy-Moreau; Dore I. Schwartz; Hillel Traub.
State Highway Administration
Edward S. Harris, Counsel (410) 545-0050
Janet Bush Handy, Deputy Counsel (410) 545-0060
Assistant Attorneys General: James R. Avnet; Richard T. Brice IV; Michael Kenney; Robert C. Loskot; Omar V. Melehy; Scott Morrell; Libby Reimer; Linda Strozyk; Frank W. Wilson.
Special Counsel: Sidney S. Campen, Jr.; Robert L. Gray; Henry F. Leonnig; Nancy L. Miller; Peyton Paul Phillips; George H. White.
Office on Aging
Jeffrey H. Myers, Counsel (410) 767-1110
State Archives
Richard E. Israel, Counsel (410) 841-3889
State Department of Assessments & Taxation
David M. Lyon, Counsel (410) 767-1283
Assistant Attorneys General: Jeffrey G. Comen; William K. Hammond.
Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund
Mark D. McCurdy, Counsel (410) 269-8626
Assistant Attorney General: Victoria M. Burgess
Comptroller of the Treasury
Gerald I. Langbaum, Counsel (410) 974-2808
John K. Barry, Senior Counsel, Supplemental Retirement Board (410) 974-2808
Compliance Division
Deborah B. Bacharach, Counsel (410) 767-1561
Assistant Attorneys General: Sheldon H. Laskin; Gaylin Soponis.
Maryland Environmental Service
Sean L. Coleman, Counsel (410) 974-7224
Assistant Attorney General: Robert L. Munroe
Maryland Food Center Authority
Sandra J. Cohen, Counsel (410) 841-3889
State Lottery Agency
Andrea D. Johnson, Counsel (410) 764-5702
Assistant Attorney General: Michele Levister
Office of Planning
Shelley S. Wasserman, Counsel (410) 767-4500
State Retirement & Pension System
Harriet B. Granet, Counsel (410) 767-4037
Assistant Attorneys General: Robert D. Feinstein; Carla Goldman Katzenberg; Rachel E. Pappafotis.
Maryland Stadium Authority
Alison L. Asti, Counsel (410) 333-1560
State Treasurer
Elizabeth S. Roese, Counsel (410) 974-5927
Laura C. McWeeney, Deputy Counsel
Under Division of Consumer Protection, merged with Complaint Handling Unit to form Mediation Unit in 1997.
Under Division of Consumer Protection, merged with Arbitration Unit to form Mediation Unit in 1997.
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